Businesses rely on communication to function. From the very top to the bottom of their organization, communication is essential for transmitting orders and directives. From the bottom up, communication allows employees to share ideas and suggestions. And in the middle, communication keeps everyone on the same page.

But not all communication is created equal. Some methods are more reliable than others. And some methods are better suited for certain types of information than others. That’s why businesses need to have a variety of communication methods and they need to test those methods to make sure they are effective. Businesses will, for instance, use the Testrigor email testing tool to maintain reliability there.

There are four main sources of communication for businesses: face-to-face, written, verbal, and nonverbal. Each has its strengths and weaknesses.


Face-to-face communication is the most personal and intimate form of communication. It allows for immediate feedback and body language can be used to emphasize points. The downside of face-to-face communication is that it can be very time-consuming, especially if there are a lot of people involved. And not everyone is comfortable communicating face-to-face.

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is similar to face-to-face communication, but it doesn’t require people to be in the same place, which makes it very convenient. Businesses may use IP phones and telephones from companies like Avoira for communication. And this communication isn’t restricted to the confines of the business, but beyond the walls of the organization as well.

There are also radios that are still in use across certain industries like healthcare and construction due to their reliability and range. Because they are easy to install (you can see an overview to better understand it), many businesses use them as a cost-effective option. On the other hand, Zoom calls are an example of communication through video transmission, a method that has been highly popularized in the past few years. We can recall during lockdowns how we relied on the app to work to keep everyone from the office connected. Businesses and their staff only needed to have downloaded the online software and have good internet connections from remote locations to make it work. The services were mostly reliable, albeit for a few glitches, mainly caused by staff still learning how to use the variety of video conferencing platforms businesses had to choose from.

Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication is any form of communication that doesn’t use words. That includes body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Nonverbal communication can be very powerful, but it can also be easy to misinterpret.

Social media platforms that allow videos to be posted can be said to have embraced this medium. Again, a business just needs the app and a reliable internet connection. Demonstration videos with perhaps restricted access for staff can be invaluable for training.

Written Correspondence Online or Offline

Written communication is more formal than face-to-face communication, but it has the advantage of being able to be read and reread. It’s also easier to distribute written communication to a large number of people. The downside of written communication is that it can be easy to misread or misinterpret written words.

Then there are different ways to communicate in writing:


Email is one of the most commonly used methods of communication in business. It is quick, efficient, and can be sent to a large number of people at once. However, it is also one of the most commonly abused forms of communication. Because email is so quick and easy to use, people often resort to email for things that could be handled in a more personal way. This can lead to misunderstandings and hard feelings.

The good thing about emails is that a business can test if they are working correctly with the right software. It is important to always maintain effective contact with customers and not take too long to reply. At the same time, it is important that communications are secure, so if you pick an outside email provider, like Sekur for instance, make sure that your data privacy is maintained. This will ensure that you along with your clients are protected from phishing and other data breaches. If you have your own software, on the other hand, automated software testing tools such as testRigor, for instance, could be used to make the testing process easier, quicker, and better at spotting bugs. For instance, whether attachments are being sent successfully with emails.


Texting has become a popular form of communication in recent years, but it is not without its drawbacks. Because texts are so brief, they can be easy to misread. And because they are sent electronically, they can be forwarded or screenshotted and shared without your consent.

Businesses will tend to avoid texts and stick to emails.

Social Media

Social media is a relatively new form of communication, but it has quickly become one of the most popular. It is a great way to connect with customers and followers. It’s also a great way to share news and information. However, social media can also be a great way to spread misinformation. That’s why it’s important to be careful about what you post on social media.

Companies should regularly check that nothing derogatory is being written about them as well as be careful themselves what they post. Staff should be clear on what a professional message should look like.


Blogs are a great way to share information and connect with readers. They can also be a great way to build up a following for your business. However, because anyone and everyone can start a blog, you need to deliver quality in order to stand out. It is immensely important to be selective about the blogs you read and follow. Not sure, what a fine-quality blog looks like? Then, checking out some blogs published by reputed sites like Yeti Crab Media could really be beneficial.

Businesses need to have a mix of all four types of communication. And they need to test those methods to make sure they are effective. The best way to test communication methods is to use a variety of different scenarios and see how well they work. That way, businesses can be sure that their communication methods are up to the task.

The one form of communication that a business will need to test regularly to make sure that it is performing correctly will be its email system. This is because it relies on software on its computers to be functioning correctly to get into the emails and more. To help, businesses can opt for an automated software testing approach to save time and money and ensure errors in coding are picked up sooner rather than later. It makes sense to invest in this aspect of technology to keep a business functioning in terms of its communications and security.

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